The Regulation Amending the Regulation on Advertising on Commercial Vehicles (“Amendment Regulation“), prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (“Ministry”) has been published in the Official Gazette dated 9 May 2024 and numbered 32541, and entered into force as of its publication. 

The Amendment Regulation consists of certain amendments to the Regulation on Advertising on Commercial Vehicles (“Regulation”), has been published in the Official Gazette dated 6 August 2021 and numbered 28017.

With the Amendment Regulation, Article 8 titled “procedures and principles for attaching and displaying advertisements on commercial vehicles” and Annex-2 of the Regulation have been revised. Accordingly, the changes introduced by the Amendment Regulation regarding advertisements on commercial vehicles are summarized below.

  • In the advertisements to be used in commercial vehicles, it is allowed to use “electronic screen, illuminated monitor” in accordance with the regulations in the Amending Regulation. The billboard, electronic screen, illuminated monitor to be installed to the vehicle must be in the same direction with the vehicle length axis.
  • In the advertisements to be made on the exterior of the vehicles, glare/reflective materials that may adversely affect driving safety shall not be used. With the Amendment Regulation, the brightness adjustment must be automatic according to day/night light in a way that does not pose a danger to drivers and road users and does not adversely affect driving safety.
  • The advertisement image cannot be changed before 120 seconds, and it will be obligatory to broadcast public spots, posters, and similar visuals to be determined by the Security General Directorate for road traffic safety at least every 30 minutes to be broadcast on electronic screens.
  • The Amendment Regulation abolishes the obligation for advertisements to comply with the principles set by the Advertising Board.
  • With the Amendment Regulation, some statements have been added to the commercial vehicle advertisement authorization certificate in Annex-2. The statements “content and number of public service announcements, posters, etc.” and “to be determined for advertisements to be broadcast on electronic screens” have been included in the commercial vehicle advertisement authorization certificate, whose content has been updated.

The full text of the Amendment Regulation can be reached through this link. (Only available in Turkish)