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Related Attorney: DR. E. SEYFİ MOROĞLU, LL.M.

Turkey Publishes the Communiqué Regarding Determination of the Gross Revenue used for Calculation of Certain Administrative Fines under the Consumer Protection Law

8 Aug 2019

Turkey has published the Communiqué Regarding Determination of the Gross Revenue Regulated under Article 77 of the Consumer Protection Law numbered 6502 (the “Communiqué”). The Communiqué sets forth the principles and procedures regarding the determination of the gross revenue […]

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Turkish Constitutional Court: Rendering a Decision Before Dissolving the Divergence of Opinions Between Court of Appeal’s Different Chambers Breaches the Right to Fair Trial

27 Mar 2019

Turkish Constitutional Court recently decided that rendering a decision before dissolving the divergence of opinions between the Court of Appeal’s different chambers breaches the right to fair trial. The applicant works in a foundation based on an employment agreement. […]

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